I sat down last night to make my first blog post here at Flash Fiction. I typed in all that I wished to say and filled out all the necessary bits and pieces like keywords or categories etc, and then I was happy and proudly pushed the publish button.

Keen to see what it all looked like, I was dismayed to find nothing there. The category was okay, and so were the keywords, but the content was missing.

Cursing my stupidity, I rewrote the blog post and hit publish. I was a bit sceptical after the first attempt, but I was quietly confident. However, there was no content.

I wasn’t going to give up, so I fought for the rights of my content, I asked Google what could possibly be wrong, but even the great search engine itself had no answers, or at least none that I hadn’t already tried.

I was at a loss and sat scratching my head, when a thought popped up in my mind.

Maybe it’s Android

Quickly I grabbed my iPhone, the one that should be going back to the leasing agent any day, turned it on and logged in to the website. I pressed buttons and opened up a new post.

With beads of sweat running down my eyes, I typed a few random letters into the content box, nervously I pushed publish and flicked over to the live view, and there, in all its glory, was a blog post complete with content.

I was elated and over the moon with this one small victory. Quickly I wrote my first post, hit publish, and then went to bed, confident in what I had achieved.

And as you dear reader can see, everything is as it should be.

Posts are not only visible to the dear reader, but they are complete, they are live, and now I am left with only one question,

“ what do I do with the iPhone now?”

I suppose I’ll have to extend the lease. An Android that can’t write blog posts, is useless to a writer.