Rob Joseph 




Serial killers in our midst

I’ve started writing poems about serial killers. I’ve written three so far, but they’re not quite ready for public viewing, not yet. I’ll sleep on them tonight, I think, and then do some editing, and I might upload one or…

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Updating the visuals

I liked how my website looked, but there was definitely room for improvement, so I went online looking for something clean, something pushing toward minimalism but also suited to my writing style. I tend to be more of a writer…

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Behind the scenes

Darcy is at over 1100 words, my longest piece to date, and I banged It out in approximately 3 hours, and that 3 hours was at the end of a shift in the factory. Not only is Darcy my longest…

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Flash Fiction, my new niche

I came across flash fiction by accident. I was under the impression that I had successfully written my first short story, but sadly, a quick search on Google revealed that I was a few words short. To be a real…

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